These days, many people are thinking critically about the degree that they should earn because they want to ensure that they will be able to get a job when they graduate. Although there are a variety of degrees an individual could pursue, many people are intrigued at the idea of attaining a degree in international business. If you have been thinking about earning your degree in international business, you may be wondering about your likelihood of finding gainful employment upon graduation – and if there are alternative employment options if you can’t.
Here is some information to consider:
International Business: The Basics
One of the first things you should consider when attempting to determine whether you’ll be able to attain a job after graduating with a degree in international business is the various fields you could work in. Some of them include:
• Investment and Global Trading
• Marketing
• Sales and Procurement
• Law, Import/Export Regulations
• Translation
• Financial Management
• Public Relations/Communication
As many job experts know, many of the aforementioned fields are experiencing growth, a fact which lends credence to the notion that individuals with international business degrees would be able to get a job following graduation. For example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the job outlook for a public relations manager and specialist is currently 21% faster than average for 2010-2020. Additionally, the job outlook for interpreting and translation is growing much faster than average, so individuals with international business degrees who pursue such positions will likely be hired quickly. On the other hand, positions as a sales or marketing manager for 2010-2020 have an average job outlook, a fact which may indicate that one could experience substantive challenges in attaining a position within those fields.
The Competitiveness of the Global Economy
In addition to thinking about the job outlook for various positions that one could seek after attaining a degree in international business, people who are considering vocations pertaining to international business should consider the competitiveness of the global economy. Although complex, the competitiveness of the global economy is a principle pointing towards the fact that the rise of international trade, multiculturalism, and the oncoming ubiquity of the internet mean that the job market functions differently than in the past. Rather than competing regionally or nationally for positions, individuals from all over the world can apply and gain acceptance for jobs throughout the world. Since people who opt to pursue a career in international business are often inclined to enjoy travel and relocation, the competitiveness among job applicants from all over the world for positions in the field of international business can be high.
Since competition for careers in international business can be high, individuals who want to pursue international business vocationally should do all that they can to stand out as top candidates for the positions they apply to. Some of the things that can be done to help a job candidate stand out include learning multiple languages, participating in internships, maintaining a high GPA, and doing community service work that somehow amplifies one’s aptitude to work in the international business sector.
The Importance of Education and Experience
If you are serious about pursuing a career in international business, you should recognize the role that education and experience can play in helping you accomplish your objective. While education can often be the key to helping an individual attain a position in the field of international business after graduation, upward mobility is often contingent upon the acquisition of experience that makes one an asset to the company. Additionally, many companies may prefer to hire a candidate who has minimal education but extensive experience which indicates his or her ability to perform job duties expeditiously. With this thought in mind, individuals pursuing a career in international business should recognize the value of completing internships. For this reason, it is important to recognize that both education and experience play a role in determining how successful one will be in the field of international business.
Alternative Career Paths
In considering whether you will be able to attain a job after completing a degree in international business, you should definitely think about alternate career paths you could select. Oftentimes, people who attain a degree in international business obtain positions in sectors that are not directly related to the work they were prepared to do. For example, the communication and interpersonal skills that an international business student obtains can make them a top candidate for careers in fields such as human resources or teaching.
Forward Thinking For International Business Professionals
If you are thinking about pursuing a degree in international business, you should note that there are a variety of job opportunities that you will have after graduation. At the same time, it is important to conduct continual research regarding the job outlook for various occupations so you can get an understanding of which sectors are most likely to hire you. Good luck!